Animals Out Blogs

What is Smoketite? Lets Find Out!
Smoke chamber reclamation can be an exceptionally included activity, requiring the removal of bricks and the damper frame, and the hand-use of refractory cement to the whole region to smooth and secure it. A smooth surface permits gas to go through the smoke chamber...
Have You Had Your Annual Chimney Inspection This Year?
We are a little more than halfway into our year of 2020, and although it has not been one of the most riveting, the question still stands- have you had your annual chimney inspection? With the presidential election, a global pandemic, and civil rights protests, we...
Helpful Tips: Do you hear the chirping of birds or flapping of wings in your chimney?
Do you hear the chirping of birds or flapping of wings in your chimney? It is more common than you think! There is even a type of species of birds that focus on nesting in chimneys! This home intruder, called a Chimney Swift can inhabit your chimney and build a nest...
Helpful Wood-Burning Tips
Did you know there are over 1,000 species of trees in North America? Each tree produces a different type of wood, with various colors and sizes. The type of wood you burn in your fireplace will affect how hot the fire is, how long it will last, and how much residue...
Don’t Wait Till Something Catastrophic Happens
Most people wait until there is already a problem with their chimney to fix it. This thinking can lead the repair to be more costly and more work has to be done to remedy the problem.
Schedule a chimney sweep and inspection today. Be proactive, and save money.