Fireplace & Chimney Inspections

Why An Inspection Is Important
You want your fireplace or stove to bring you evening after evening of comfort and enjoyment. But what happens when damage, creosote buildup, or other dangers are present? Would you even know? Most homeowners wouldn’t and don’t know, because much of the chimney system is not in plain view. Industry safety leaders like the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recommend annual Chimney Inspections and Fireplace Inspections— Chimney Inspections and Fireplace Inspections allow professionals to really get in there and see what’s going on.
Let Animals Out take care of you, we offer multiple levels of fireplace and chimney inspections. Give us a call today to schedule your inspection!
Our Three Levels Of Inspections
Level one is performed without the aid of specialized tools and is recommended as a preventive inspection before any problems occur or are detected. It consists of the readily accessible portions of the chimney and fireplace.
Level two is performed when a change is required or a problem is detected. This level may require special tools and include a video scan of the chimney interior. Level two inspections are referred to as real estate, home, or insurance inspections. It consists of all portions accessible without damage to the structure.
Level three inspections consist of all portions of the chimney and fireplace, including those that may require destructive actions to the building around the chimney and fireplace. They are usually done after a chimney fire or during a major structural event, such as repairs or remodeling.
Don’t Wait Till Something Catastrophic Happens
Most people wait until there is already a problem with their chimney to fix it. This thinking can lead the repair to be more costly and more work has to be done to remedy the problem.
Schedule a chimney sweep and inspection today. Be proactive, and save money.